Marrickville West Primary School

Working as One

Telephone02 9558 1137


To assist all parents with accessing information, notes and forms, we have placed them all in this handy location.

Absent note

If the child is not able to come to school for any reason please complete and sign the Absent Note  and send with the child thereafter. If the child has to be away from school for a longer period please complete the application extended leave note (PDF 81KB) and send it to the school. 

Administering medicine

If your child needs to take any medicine prescribed by the doctor kindly fill out the details regarding administering medicine (PDF 69KB) and send it to the school. 

Skool Loop App

Skool Loop App is coming to Marrickville West!

In 2022 Marrickville West will be using a new App called Skool Loop.

It will enable the school to send out notices, permission notes, newsletters, push notifications , custom forms and signatures, absentee messages and also includes a translation feature.

School ENews will no longer function in 2022.