Marrickville West Primary School

Working as One

Telephone02 9558 1137

Parents and citizens association

Marrickville West parents and citizens association (P&C) is a group of parents of students at the school and other interested community members.

Our aim is to provide parents and the community with a place to meet with representatives of the school, provide feedback to the school, find out what is going on in the school and provide means to improve and support the school.

We meet twice a term, on Thursdays in Week 3 and Week 8. Meetings are a great way to meet other parents and gain more in-depth information about how the school works.  If you can't make it to meetings we also have an informal morning tea on the Friday of Week 5 each term.  And there are many other ways you can help and support the P&C including volunteering at fundraising events or cafe west, helping out at working bees, or coming along to P&C run events.

The upcoming meetings of P&C is on Thursday 9 August 2018. You can check our P&C facebook page for more details.