Marrickville West Primary School

Working as One

Telephone02 9558 1137

Eco water garden

After almost 8 years in the planning, we are now able to see and enjoy a garden and bio filtration system that recycles storm water for irrigation and reduces the polluted water and rubbish that is washed into the Cooks River. The eco water garden forms an attractive, practical and educational border between the existing community garden and the playground.

Council and Marrickville West Public School joined forces with the school’s parents and citizens association (P&C), Marrickville West community gardeners, Riverside Crescent Subcatchment Community Group, the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities and other local community members to build the outdoor classroom and children's play area that includes a rain garden, tank, sand pits and improved landscaping in the school's playground.

The rain garden filters out pollution in stormwater runoff from the Henson Street area that normally ends up in the Cooks River. The water is stored in the tank to use for irrigation.

View our Eco water garden for more details.